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VRToglavi VRT


Spekulativna zgodba zvočne pohodne predstave VRToglavi VRT izpostavlja težaven odnos ljudi in rastlin, v katerem se okoriščajo predvsem ljudje. Zgodovinski potek kolonializma in preseljevanje rastlin temeljita na podrejanju in izkoriščanju narave. V luči zavedanja ekološke krize in možnega boljšega scenarija za prihodnosti je nujno spremeniti ta odnos. V želji po približevanju svetu rastlin se VRToglavi VRT dotakne časovne dimenzije.

Skozi prizmo potovanj teh dveh, tako različnih časovnosti ljudi in rastlin, ki navidezno ne ponujata možnega srečanja, spekulira razvoj prihodnjega, solidarnega sobivanja ljudi in rastlin. Rastline, najbolj poseljena vrsta tega planeta, živijo predvsem svojo časovnost in svoje, nam tako nedostopne poti. VRToglavi VRT nas popelje po poteh možnega scenarija prihodnosti nasě ga prenapetega, hrupnega planeta, ki se zrcali skozi razvoj lokalnih zelenih poti. Se lahko kaj naučimo od rastlin za bolj solidarno prihodnost?

Publika doživlja zvočno delo preko posebej razvitih slušalk, ki kot orodje spekulirajo svet in slušno krajino prihodnosti. Svet postaja prehrupen, prenevaren za naša krhka ušesa, ki se niso uspela prilagoditi agresivnim frekvencam. Za preživetje v zunanjem prostoru bomo potrebovali slušalke, ki bodo utišale, a hkrati izostrile zvočno sliko in nas popeljale v želeno akustično pripoved. Slušalke omogočajo hkratno poslušanje realnega zvoka okolice, zvočno kompozicijo zgodbe ter uporabo detektorja za EMS zvočnost.

The speculative story of the soundwalk performance garden GOround points to the problematic relationship between people and plants, which is geared to mainly benefit people. The colonialism itself and the human-mediated dispersal of plants capitalize on the subjection and exploitation of nature. It is vital to radically change this attitude if we want to deal effectively with the existential threat of ecological crisis and contemplate a brighter scenario for the future. To become more familiar with the world of plants, garden GOround goes into the temporal dimension.

Through the prism of the journeys of these two utterly different temporalities of humans and plants, seemingly offering no possible point of encounter, it speculates on the development of a future, solidarity-based coexistence of humans and plants. Plants, the most populous species on the planet, live at their own pace in their own time, walking the paths we cannot access. garden GOround will take us along the paths of a possible future scenario for our overstressed, noisy planet mirrored through the development of local greenways. Can we learn from plants to build a more solidarity-oriented future?

The audience experiences the soundwalk through specially developed headphones used as a tool to speculate the world and the sonic landscape of the future. The world is getting too loud and harmful for our sensitive ears, which have failed to adapt to aggressive frequencies. To survive outdoors, we will need headphones that will both mute and sharpen the sound image and, at the same time, take us into the acoustic narrative. The headphones allow simultaneous listening to the actual ambient sound, the sound composition of the narrative, as well as the EMS ‘audification.’


Koncept, tekst in oblikovanje slušalk: Irena Pivka
Glasba in zvočna kompozicija, koncept slušalk: Brane Zorman
Vokal: Alja Petric
Lučka Počkaj, Alja Petric, Toni Cahunek (slovenščina)
Jana Wilcoxen, Alja Petric, Toni Cahunek (angleščina)
Nataša Živkovič, Suzana Koncut, Loup Abramovici (francoščina)
Lektura, prevod v angleščino: Melita Silič
Lektura in pregled angleškega besedila: Jana Wilcoxen
Prevod v francoščino: Anne-Cécile Lamy-Joswiak
Pregled francoskega besedila: Suzana Koncut
Fotografiranje, oblikovanje: Matej Tomažin
Ilustracija: Jovana Djukić
Razvoj strojne in programske opreme, aplikacija za android: Brane Ždralo
Tiskanje vezij, sestavljanje elektronike: Zdravko Janšovec
Montaža elektronike: Ivan Kvasič
3D tisk: Cveto Kunešević, 3Dimension
Sestavljanje slušalk: Staš Vrenko
Produkcija CONA, 2023

VITAL ustvarja inovativni ekosistem, ki spoštuje okolje in na umetniški način prispeva k boju proti globalnemu segrevanju in onesnaževanju zraka.

Projekt VITAL je sofinanciran iz programa Ustvarjalna Evropa s triletno pogodbo “Strasbourg – Evropska prestolnica”, podpirata ga Ministrstvo za javno upravo Republike Slovenije in MOL kultura.

Viri besedila:

Gray, Ros in Sheikh, Shela (ur.). “The Wretched Earth: Botanical Conflicts and Artistic Interventions”. Third Text 32(2–3).
Kunst, Bojana. “Rastlinsko življenje in prostori umetnosti: o nedostopnem in vzajemnem”. Ana Mizerit (ur.). Zasilni izhod[razstavni katalog]. Ljubljana: Moderna galerija, 2022.
Thorsen, Line Marie (ur.). Moving Plants. Rønnebæksholm, Næstved: Narayana Press, 2017.
Sagan, Dorion. “The Human is More than Human: Interspecies Communities and the New “Facts of Life”.” Theorizing the Contemporary, Fieldsights, 18. november 2011.
Raja, Vicente.  “Moving the Green: Plant Behavior in the Human World“. EuropeNow 45, november 2021.
Sidebottom, Kay. “Education for a More-Than-Human World”. EuropeNow 45, november 2021.
Marder, Michael. “Resist Like a Plant! On the Vegetal Life of Political Movements“. Peace Studies Journal 5(1), januar 2012.
Brkič, Vanja. “Mestni park Tivoli: Tivolski drevoredi so bili Ljubljančanom od nekdaj v ponos“. Dnevnik, 10. oktober 2015.
Strasbourg Park,


Globoka hiša

Zvočno zgodbo Globoka hiša doživljamo ob vodenem sprehodu po vnaprej določeni poti, ki povezuje notranjosti stavbe Cankarjevega doma z njeno umeščenostjo v neposredno okolico. Pripoved zgodbe globoke, potopljene stavbe razpira poglede na arhitekturo Edvarda Ravnikarja, njegovih sodelavcev in čas gradnje.

Avtorja sta v zvočno zgodbo vključila številne citate in misli arhitektov, pa tudi politikov in kulturnikov, povezanih z gradnjo Cankarjevega doma, prepleta pa jo poezija in dramatika izbranih umetnikov. Subtilen in pomensko večplasten zvočni sprehod, ki v kontekstu sedanjosti orisuje čas gradnje in samo arhitekturo stavbe, lahko angažirana publika obogati z raziskovanjem zapisanih virov in tako dostopa do bolj poglobljenih znanj.

Zvočna zgodba se dotika širšega Ravnikarjevega ustvarjalnega opusa. Od snovanja Trga republike, zelo zahtevnega in dolgotrajnega prostorskega posega, do pedagoškega dela na Šoli za arhitekturo v Ljubljani. V značilno razumevanje mestnega prostora je Ravnikar vključeval številne arhitekte_ke, študente_ke, ki so v dialogu s politiko in širšo stroko postavili temelj kakovostnega oblikovanja prostora v modernistično mediteranskem duhu.

Projekt je nastal ob Ravnikarjevem letu 2023.

prijave in termini



Zasnova dela in besedilo: Irena Pivka
Zasnova dela in zvočna kompozicija: Brane Zorman
Glasovna interpretacija: Nada Vodušek, Robert Vrtovšek, Toni Cahunek, Jure Longika, Nataša Živkovič
Strokovni pregled besedila: dr. Bogo Zupančič, dr. Miloš Kosec
Strokovni pregled tehničnih opisov: Karmen Klučar
Vodja projekta: Saša Globačnik (Cankarjev dom)
Lektura besedila: Melita Silič
Oblikovanje: Edin Alibešter (Cankarjev dom)
Produkcija: Cankarjev dom, september 2023 (ob letu Edvarda Ravnikarja), zanj Uršula Cetinski, generalna direktorica


zvočna postavitev,stereo 2×3 zvočniki, 18:00min, zanka

Med enokomernim premikanjem telesa, med hojo, ki odmeva v ritmičnem zvoku koraka tipam pot. Poslušam odmeva svojih korakov, merim prostor, štejem čas … hoje. Hoja je protislovna. Kot sem zapisala v delu Hodi.TI.: »Hoja ne pristaja na meje, ne priznava lastnine ozemlja… Hoditi je nasprotje od imeti.« Pot si ne lasti, temveč povezuje prostore. Hoditi po poti, pomeni biti brez kraja zato, da srečaš prostor.  Hoditi v javni kulturni stavbi izven njenega namenskega časa, pomeni dodatni odmik. Odmik iz kraja zato, da lahko dejansko podoživiš prostor. Odmik od urnika vsakdana, izstopiti iz časa, zato da si lahko podariš čas.

V doživetje ponujam zvok hoje po prostoru te galerije, ko je stavba prazna. Prisluškujem odmevu koraka, tišini prostora … in na drugi strani zidu, hrup mesta, pod njim zvok reke, na nebu prelet ptic… Pomirjujoč jutranji sprehod, odmik pred prihajajočim, nemirnim dnem. Zvok hoje, s katero vabim obiskovalca, da doživi svoj lasten korak in si v ukradenem tempu podari čas in prostor.

Tempo rubato (ukraden čas) je glasbeni izraz, ki se nanaša na ritmično svobodo. Dovoljuje samovoljno, intuitivno spremembo tempa.


zasnova in koncept: Irena Pivka
Snemanje: Irena Pivka, Brane Zorman
Montaža in oblikovanje zvoka: Brane Zorman
Delo za Cukrarno, marec 2022


Irena Pivka, Brane Zorman
Performative soundwalk / zvočna pohodna predstava, 40min
Tue, 22 and Wed, 23 March 2022, 6.30 pm / torek, 22. in sreda, 23. marec 2022 ob 18.30
Start: Cankarjev dom main entrance, Council of Europe Park / Izhodišče pred glavnim vhodom v Cankarjev dom, park Sveta Evrope

Performative soundwalk vrtPionirk explores gardens past and present and, in particular, our relation to plants in the urban environment. Artists use the garden on the route as a metaphor, looking for parallels between the Garden of Eden and the political garden. The work deals with a scenario of spatiality development concerning plants and the community’s relation to the planetary ecosystem. It spotlights the movement and journeys of plants, comparing them to those of society and colliding with the temporal discrepancy of the two worlds.

The work addresses the following questions: How does the conqueror instinct of plants work? How and why do they travel, occupy new spaces, and what is the role of pioneer plants that we can observe in our walk? At the intersection of urban and natural cultural landscapes, plants are argued the main protagonists of the urban area. Although often experienced as pleasant, green backgrounds or wildorganisms that occupy urban areas “uncontrollably and invasively,” plants have a designed system of space colonisation. We could call it the “colonialist” system of the flora. 

The artists have installed the work on the site of a public expression of political conflict that used to be a garden – urban and socially challenging space for a performative soundwalk, which reflects in work itself. The story revolves around the main protagonist. For many years, the artists have been researching geolocating soundwalks, building on them, and using them as their artistic expression. In the light of the audience, there is an intensely immersive experience concerning place, sound, and one’s walking body. 


Zvočna pohodna predstava vrtPionirk raziskuje nekdanje in sedanje vrtove ter predvsem naš odnos do rastlin v urbanem okolju. Pomen vrta na izbrani poti se avtorja lotevata kot metaforo in iščeta povezave med rajskim in političnim vrtom. Delo tematizira možen scenarij razvoja prostorskosti v navezavi z rastlinami in odnosa skupnosti do planetarnega ekosistema. Delo izpostavlja gibanje, potovanja rastlin v primerjavi z gibanjem in potovanjem družbe ter trči na časovno neskadnost obeh svetov.

Kako deluje osvajalski vzgib rastlin? Kako in zakaj potujejo, zasedajo nove prostore ter kakšna je vloga pionirskih rastlin, ki jih lahko opazimo tudi na našem pohodu, so vprašanja, ki jih delo naslavlja. Na presečišču urbane in naravne kulturne krajine so izpostavljene rastline kot glavne akterke mestnega področja. Rastline, ki jih nemalokrat človeško oko opazi le kot prijetno, zeleno ozadje ali kot samonikle organizme, ki »nekontrolirano in invazivno« zasedajo urbana področja, imajo razdelan sistem zasedanja prostorov. Lahko bi ga imenovali »kolonialistični« sistem sveta flore.

Avtorja sta delo postavila na kraju javnega izražanja političnega konflikta, kjer je bil v preteklosti umeščen vrt. Urbanistično in družbeno zahtevnem prostoru, za postavitev pohodnega umetniškega dela, kar se zrcali v samem izdelku. Prostorska zgodba se prepleta okoli glavnega protagonista. Avtorja že vrsto let raziskujeta metode geolokacijskih zvočnih sprehodov, jih nadgrajujeta in uporabljata kot lasten umetniški izraz. V luči publike pa je prisotna močna potopitvena percepcija v navezavi na kraj, zvok in seveda lastno hodeče telo.

fotografije procesa dela

Text and site / besedilo in prostor: Irena Pivka
Sound composition / zvočna kompozicija: Brane Zorman
Interpretation / interpreta: Irena Pivka, Renato Horvat
Translation / pregled besedila: Melita Silič
Production / producent izvedbe: Cona
Coorganisation / soorganizacija izvedbe Cankarjev dom
Special thanks to eBralnik, Ida Hiršenfelder, Rok Vevar  / zahvala Ida Hiršenfelder, Rok Vevar in
platformi eBralec.
Co-funded by MOL kultura and Ministry of Culture RS. / Delo je nastalo v sofinaciranje MOL kultura in Ministrstvo za kulturo RS

Zemljanka Gaja / Earthling Gaia

sound walk performance along Cerknica lake for teenagers and adults

Irena Pivka, Brane Zorman: Earthlink Gaia

commissin work for KD Cerknica, premiere: Wednesday, August 25 2021

Earthling Gaia is a performance which through sound, walking and the inclusion of space aims at the sensibilization of young people and the promotion of outdoor activities. In addition to experiencing and reflecting on the ecology, it prompts the development of mindfulness.

From an indoor site, such as a theatre, cinema or gallery, the performance invites us outdoors, in the nature. A forest as a stage, and the audience trading comfortable chairs for walking shoes and heading off to the performance.

Some locations along the way are natural venues – natural auditoriums complete with architecturally superb observations posts, offering magnificent views of the landscape which intoxicates with its beauty and triggers imagination by constantly changing. We can imagine looking into the future, exploring possible scenarios for the days to come.

A dystopian story of Earthling Gaia recounts a possible future of the Lake Cerknica area. We experience the sound performance while walking a selected part of the Drvošec trail. We stop at the observation posts, observe the lake, experience the forest and, above all, listen. Earthling Gaia, a girl as a metaphor and the main character of the performance, will speculate on a potential scenario of the future of our overstrained planet which indisputably dictates the development of the local landscape.

Artists: Irena Pivka, Brane Zorman

Text: Irena Pivka

Music compositin: Brane Zorman

Voices: Nada Vadušek, Anu Pivka
Translation and editing: Melita Silič
Cover photo: Irena Pivka
Illustration: Jovana Djukić
Production: Cerknica Culture House, 2021
In collaboration: Cona, Institute for Contemporary Arts Processing


Irena Pivka, Brane Zorman: Sandbox (Geolocation newmedia performans ) commissin work for A_DELA festival, production Ljudmila, coproduction Cona

premiere: 25, 26 Aug 2020.
Loction: Vilharjeva cesta (close to railways), Ljubljana Slovenia

Meditative experience, wakefulness training and encouragement to critically thinking about our experience and (re)evaluation of the surrounding environment.

A walk along the railway tracks, with the help of an app and headphones, leads a viewer, a wanderer and an eavesdropper into a performative space. The work was created during the time of the epidemic when all public life had come to a standstill. As a result, the thick layer of the all-encompassing and constant noise disappeared, the existence of which we only really became aware of once it was gone. The authors captured this period, marked by weeks of silence and the gradual return of noise, with their recording equipment, walked paths and by discovering local microspaces. The result of their research is the existent locative performance, which, through the absence of noise, tells a tale of a future space. By using geolocation tools, the performance reflects on an experiential experience of landscape and sound and, in these complicated times, brings forth thoughts about the potential of a degraded space from the perspective of a society incapable of dialogue. The latter is using its last atoms of strength to depict dominance over the planet, while plants on the other side are blossoming, intertwining and even consoling, soothing, silencing and covering the all-pervasive species. The rhythm of walking, listening-in to the transitional space, a path that leads away from the overburdened city, and of listening to the degraded, waiting spaces, which are being taken back by nature, form the stance of this period of time … before it ends.

The authors have developed the work with the help of the geolocation tool ECHOES, developed by Echoes Lab. More than 30 geolocation points, connected by sound files and in combination with the available navigation tools, form the subtle dramaturgy of the overall acoustic image of the work Sandbox at a specific location.


Peskovnik/Sandbox is a location-bound sound performance, which you can also experience individually. For an individual experience, you need a smartphone with an Android or iOS operating system, the app Echoes (download it free from Google Play or the Apple Store) and quality headphones.

In the pre-installed app Echoes on your phone find the work Peskovnik/Sandbox and head out to the starting point (the area north of the tracks at Ljubljana’s railway station), precisely marked on the map and at the location itself. The geolocative performance can be experienced in real-time (by using your mobile data plan), or you can pre-download the whole project to your phone.

Once you are at the location, physically follow the path and points marked on the map. We suggest that you study the path, which is otherwise simple enough before you head out, because we discourage you from looking at your phone screen while you are taking the stroll (also due to some uneven terrain). Rather, focus on listening to the soundscape and observing your surroundings.

Production: Društvo Ljudmila, laboratorij za znanost in umetnost, Zavod Cona, NOVARS
Coproduction: CONA Institute, NOVARS Research centre – University of Manchester, ECHOES
Thanks: Josh Kopeček, Ricardo Climent
Voice interpretation: Irena Pivka (SI)
Voice interpretation: Jana Wilcoxen (EN)
Translation: Katja Kosi
Sound composition: Brane Zorman


Start: 02/05 08:00 UTC+1

Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia, 19.4.2020

Link to composition:

Text about the work:

I am walking through the emptied city surrounded by the invisible noose of the quarantine. The morning bustle of the city is suspended. Quiet streets, silent squares, lone crossroads of interrupted paths, uncertain future.Through this gift of time we have been given and which has been pulling us away from the over stressed, frightened society, the potential of free time has been opened up. To decide to be alone and remain focused. The steps echoing in the silent urban landscape. Walking as solace. A peaceful morning walk. I listen to the noises of the city, to the river’s waves, the birds in the sky, the rustling of the leaves in the morning breeze … before the restless day ahead of me starts.

Commissioned work for Cona and Soundcamp 2020

Potepini / Wanderers

Irena Pivka, Brane Zorman: Wanderers
newmedia performance (6+) (45min)
Produkcija: Lutkovno gledališče Maribor
Koprodkcija: CONA  | Zavod za procesiranje sodobne umetnosti zavod 2019

Wanderers are invited to walk the path along the Drava River, this time equipped with headphones and mobile app. The wander becomes a multimedia performance and a sound walk, which the spectator takes on a pre-delineated path. Wanderers are children and adults, families, who with help of sound images, imprinted into the location of the delineated path, traverse between fictive and real situations. The unique sound experience connects us with our environment in a new way and reminds us why it is so important to walk.

Text and event space: Irena Pivka
Sound composition: Brane Zorman
Voices: Metka Jurc, Danilo Trstenjak in Jonas Jerman (SLO)
Proofreader for Slovene language: Metka Damjan
Slovene: Metka Jurc, Danilo Trstenjak, Jonas Jerman
English: Marko Jakopanec, Amy Bordon, Daša Solomon
German: Uroš Kaurin, Katarina Klančnik Kocutar, Ana Hlebič
Translators: Urban Belina (English) in Urška P. Černe (German)
Author of the illustrated map Darka Erdelji
Sound recording: Marko Jakopanec
Production: Lutkovno gledališče Maribor
Coproduction: CONA | Zavod za procesiranje sodobne umetnosti


27.10. – 10.12.2017
Friday, 27.October at 17.30 and 18.15
e_city Ljubljana Apollonia
Strasbourg, Robertsau
Meeting at Apollonia venue – 23 rue Boecklin, Strasbourg

GardenWALK is a sustainable, locative sound walk performance, taking place along the streets of Strasbourg, Robertsau. It invites a visitor to relive the future impact of the planned Apollonia community garden to the immediate surroundings of district and its community.

An integral part of the project is a sound map with circular path which the visitor walks within the project. The beginning of this 1.6km long route and duration of 30minutes is at the Apollonia Garden, end of the rout is in Lieu de Europe Parc Henri.

Through the subtile sound inserts of the shared garden urban landscape sound and the sound scape transformation with vision of potentional possibilities, the sound walk performance sensitize public to experience the Robertsau quarter. Garden and gardening in this project is a metaphor for rethinking and re-cultivation of urban landscape changes in local society.

Sound design: Brane Zorman
Text and path: Irena Pivka
Spekers: Irena Pivka, Suzana Koncut, Viktorija Osolnik Kunc
English translation : Urban Belina
French translation: Suzana Koncut
German translation: Viktorija Osolnik Kunc
Production: Apollonia – European Art Exchange, Strasbourg, France 2017
Co-production CONA, Ljubljana Slovenia, 2017