WALKING the Aphelion


WALKING the Aphelion delays and shifts the soundscape within the same location and the same transitioned path. It is focused on the spatial actualization of a place, while enhancing the awareness of the place through auditory experience.

The sound image was recorded with binaural microphones on the evening of July 4 2016, at the moment when the Earth reaches the point known as Aphelion – an extreme point in Earth’s rotation around Sun. The participants, equipped with headphones and a cellphone soundmap app, walk the same path at the same time of day the sound image was made with a time delay. The length of the delay is equal to a quarter of Earth’s rotation – just after autumnal equinox.

In Janury 2017 we will produce soundwalk sequel: WALKING the Perhihelion. It will be recorded at the time when Earth reaches the opposition extreme point on its rotation around the Sun.

These soundwalks will form a pair to cyclic listening on the same spot where binaural recordings were recorded or as a pair on a remote location.

Soundwalks WALKING the Aphelion and WALKING the Perhihelion were recorded in the main city Tivoli Park, Ljubljana in order to research preception of a city park as an urban sonic ecology landscape within different time frames listenings.


HODITI odsončje (Afelij) zamika in premešča zvočno krajino znotraj iste lokacije in iste prehojene poti. Osredotoča se na prostorsko uresničitev kraja, ki ga preko slušne izkušnje na novo ozavesti.

Zvočna slika je bila posneta z binauralnimi mikrofoni, 4. julija 2016 zvečer, ko zemlja prispe na točko imenovano odsončje (Afelij), to je skrajna točka Zemlje na tirnici okoli Sonca. Udeleženec, opremljen s slušalkami in aplikacijo zvočni zemljevid na mobilnem telefonu, obhodi isto pot ob istem dnevnem času nastanka izvorne zvočne slike, a v časovnem zamiku. Dolžina zamika je četrtine zemljine tirnice – malo po jesenskem enakonočju.

V januarju 2017 bomo pripravili HODITI prisončje (Perihelij) in hkrati ponudili v posluh poletni zvočni sprehod. Tako bosta dva zvočna sprehoda namenjena cikličnemu poslušanju: zimski poleti in poletni pozimi.

avtorja: Irena Pivka, Brane Zorman
radioCona aplikacija: Vasja progar
produkcija CONA, 2016